GATE NLP models in an art exhibition!
Published Tuesday 6 February 2024 at 20:06
Natural Language Processing Machine Learning models from the Intelligent Government group in the Big Data for Smart Society Institute (GATE) were used for an art project by Veneta Androva and Tsvetomila Mihailova.
In the art project “The Secret Life of Mushrooms (VIDEO)”, presented at STRUCTURA Androva and Mihailova used the models bert-deepfake-bg for recognizing textual deepfakes and bert-desinform-bg for recognizing disinformation by GATE. The models were created during project TRACES by Iva Marinova (Head of Language Technologies in Identrics), and used data and methodologies to which contributed several GATE Institute members, including Irina Temnikova, Silvia Gargova, Tsvetelina Stefanova, Veneta Kireva, and Ruslana Margova, as well as the Sofia University professor Ivan Koychev. The pre-trained models for Bulgarian are available for general use on the HuggingFace platform.