Database of Known Fakes by Ontotext

DBKF teaser_EN.png

Interested to explore other relevant debunks across languages?

Have a look at the Database of Known Fakes (DBKF), developed by Ontotext.

The DBKF platform allows users to easily double-check whether a claim, image or video has already been verified by trusted sources, including by whom, when and how, using AI-powered technologies that go way beyond a keyword search. This could be particularly useful for fact-checkers and journalists as part of their verification workflow but also for the critically-thinking people, who are keen to look into the truthfulness of a piece of text or a visual. 

Give it a try!


Note: This version of DBKF has been developed as part of the EC-funded project WeVerify. Within BROD, the database will be extended to include debunks in Romanian as well as additional fact-checking content in Bulgarian. This is still work in progress so stay tuned!
