Building Information Space Resilience in Southeast Europe and the Black Sea Region 7 – 9 November 2024

Published Wednesday 17 July 2024 at 21:00


GATE institute, the coordinator of BRODhub, is a coorganiser of forum against disinformation, in Sofia.

The integrity of the information space nowadays is emerging as a fundamental value and stake in a world where domestic and foreign actors are challenging democratic values and the established order within our countries and internationally.

The Sofia Information Integrity Forum aims to answer the main questions from a specific regional perspective – that of Southeast Europe and the Black Sea region. From Ukraine to Turkey and from the former Yugoslavia to Bulgaria and Romania – the region includes some of the most vulnerable countries to foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI) in Europe.

Thematic and geographical focus:
The Sofia Information Integrity Forum will have five main thematic tracks focusing on policy, research,
technologies, media literacy, and institution building, with the aim of developing a strong and unified
regional strategic approach to counter FIMI.
Contributions within one or more of the five thematic tracks are welcome, focusing on – but not limited to – the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine.
Working language: English
When: 7–9 November 2024
Where: Sofia, Bulgaria
Format: In-person event with live streaming
How to apply: Sofia Information Integrity Forum 2024 welcomes two types of applications – for papers
and for sessions, according to the specified dates and rules. All applications should be sent to, using the respective templates below.
Important dates:
❖ 30 May 2024: Call for Papers and Call for Sessions announcement
❖ 30 July 2024: Call for Sessions application deadline: session applications will be reviewed and
selected on an ongoing basis and will be endorsed for inclusion in the agenda on a first-come
first-served basis
❖ 30 September 2024: Call for Papers: abstracts submission deadline
