The Race to Mobilise Voters Starts Today

Published Tuesday 16 April 2024 at 14:55


2024 EP election

A recent GLOBSEC poll indicates that the 2024 European Parliamentary (EP) elections could see record participation across the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region. This rise in voter turnout is likely to bolster the legitimacy of the newly elected Parliament. The survey covered nine countries including Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia, revealing a deepening recognition among CEE citizens of the significant influence that the EU and the EP have on shaping their daily lives.

Despite low turnout rates in the 2019 elections, where seven countries reported less than 50% participation, the upcoming 2024 elections show promising signs of enhanced engagement. The data suggests that in four out of the nine surveyed countries, more than half of the respondents are certain they will vote. Additionally, when including those who stated they would "rather" vote, all nine countries could potentially exceed a 50% turnout.

The results from Slovakia, however, present a mixed sentiment, with only 21% of respondents committed to voting. This underlines the vital role of pro-democracy advocates in mobilizing the electorate and addressing the critical need to counter populist narratives and ensure an inclusive and democratic electoral process.

Challenges remain in terms of mobilizing voters who are indifferent or skeptical about the impact of their vote, especially against the backdrop of anti-EU sentiments and populist rhetoric. The survey also highlighted practical barriers to voting, such as travel constraints or health issues, emphasizing the importance of accessible voting options. As the elections near, it's essential to engage all segments of the population to ensure a legitimate and representative European Parliament.

For more detailed analysis and further insights from the poll, read the full report here.