2024 EDMO Annual Conference, BROD represented

Published Monday 13 May 2024 at 20:00


The 2024 EDMO Annual Conference started in Brussels, convening media and policy practitioners, policymakers, academics, regulators, journalists, and members of civil society to look at the challenges of online disinformation and how to tackle them.

Madeleine de Cock Buning and Miguel Poiares Maduro from School of Transnational Governance, EUI opened the event.

AI and, in particular, generative AI have been quite the buzzwords for the last few months. The release of updated generative AI products has opened questions on their role in the production and dissemination of disinformation. Claes de Vreese from University of Amsterdam, Táňa Abrhámová from CEDMO, Irina Orssich from European Commission, Tjade Stroband from Microsoft, Joanna Bryson from Hertie School, Marc Faddoul from AI forensic and David Mekkaoui from Europe MediaLab discussed how generative AI contributes to disinformation.

Kalina Bontcheva from BROD, University of Sheffield and vera.ai chaired the session about how AI can also be used as a tool that contributes to tackling disinformation. Other participants were Carlos Hernández-Echevarría from IBERIFIER, Maldita, Andrew Dudfield from FullFact, Antonis Ramfos from ATC, EDMO, TITAN, Remo Sasso from xDNA & Aletheia, Gijs van Beek from BENEDMO, Textgain.

Keith Peter Kiely of GATE participated in the EDMO Executive Board meeting and the EDMO Management Council meeting in Brussels to discuss the current and future activities and objectives of the European wide initiative to tackle disinformation.
