What are the key narratives seen by AFP fact-checking service in Bulgarian?
Published Wednesday 24 April 2024 at 11:51
That is one of the questions AFP Fact Checker Rossen Bossev did address during a Conference titled
‘Countering Disinformation and Promoting Media Literacy’ co-organised by French and German
embassies to Bulgaria on April 22, 2024.
Rossen who works with AFP Europe fact-checking team, did explain to the large audience at the
House of Europe in Sofia, how the international News Agency plays a leading role in digital
investigation. He could explain how he identifies and debunks viral posts potentially harmful.
During his presentation, the reporter did reveal the main topics of the most viral fake or misleading
posts found online in Bulgarian in the past months:
● The war in Ukraine
● Health - COVID-19, vaccines, alternative medicine
● Narratives directed against the EU - insects in food, over-regulation of agriculture, energy sector,
refugee policy (especially after Schengen)
● Disinformation against political opponents
● Nostalgia for communism - how good Bulgarians lived before 1989.
● Poor versus poor
Rossen did also describe the role of BROD hub and the EDMO network.