BROD presented at Symposium of Union de la Presse Francophone

Published Friday 19 April 2024 at 17:09


The Bulgarian-Romanian Observatory of Digital Media BROD was presented at the symposium of the Presse Francophone in Bucharest.

The workshop Splendeurs et misères du fact-checking was with the participation of Laurent Bigot, Director of the Public School of Journalism in Tours (EPJT), France, with Isabelle Wirth, journalist Agence France Presse AFP, chef of media projects against disinformation in Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Hungary, Germany and Austria, Ovidiu Nahoi, chef of RFI România, with moderator of Ruslana Margova from Institute GATE, Sofia, coordinator of BRODhub.

The challenges for fact-checkers, the problems in different countries, the intricacies of identifying news that can be verified were discussed.
